
31 Jan, 2018

Recovery - Maximise your Training

Excite Health and Fitness


One of the things I have been really happy about over my last 6 months of training has been my recovery protocol. It has taken some time to get this right to suit my own body. There is no doubt people are different and may need different approaches, but I thought I would share my approach.

I consider the recovery part of training vitally important, both from a training adaption perspective and also from the ability to back up and train again.

The goal of my recovery is to maximize the benefit of the training session I have done, and secondly to allow me get to training again, either later the same day during an Ironman build, or at the very least, the next day.

My protocol covers the following:

  • Pre-session and post-session nutrition, which includes selected supplements, and depending on the time of training year, this may include creatine-monohydrate, whey protein isolate, L-Glutamine and a fast absorbing carbohydrate. I base my plan and consumption on Metabolic Precision peer-reviewed research so I know I am approaching things correctly. This also varies depending on the phase of training I am in.
  • Nutrition timing around the sessions following the Metabolic Precision protocols.
  • Post training, icing the legs in either the pool or the bay (see attached photo of me last week in quite a chilly beach dip). Research to support this below.

Getting into habit around recovery got me through my last Ironman with minimal training plan interruption and a consistent, progressive body adaption. It is worth looking into how best to structure for your own training, and be consistent with it.

Icing the legs:


Inspiration Performance Supplements

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